Despite the ongoing rumours about the fact that Vigg Strubble didn’t want to play the rock classic Parrot Knocker anymore (Newsflash #04 on page INS&OUTS) we proudly like to announce the re-release of this song. … …read more

In the radioshow Malmö’s Music Point Vigg was interviewed about his music career, the latest changes within his (stage) band and his personal life. They also wanted to know some specific things about Vigg’s songwriting. … …read more

Wordwide there have been some allegations that Vigg Strubble didn’t approve of the cover of Softly, Softly, Gently, Gently by DJ Closehearing and Friends … …read more

There seems to be a look-a-like. In Austin, Texas, USA, some people have allegedly seen Vigg at a gig in a local Americana Music Festival. … …read more

In a recent interview in the German newsmagazine Aktuelle Musik Schau (AMS) Vigg Strubble was asked to name at least one contemporary colleague whose music he likes. Vigg told the journalist to get lost. … …read more

There is an ongoing debate within the official VSAA (Vigg Strubble Appreciation Association) about the autobiographic origin of the heartbreaking lovesong Eileen (Vigg’s work from the 90s). … …read more

Vigg Strubble is deeply shocked by the death of Ian Fraser ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister, bass player and frontman of Motörhead († December 28th, 2015). “At the age of 70 an icon of us bass players around the world has past away”, according to Vigg Strubble … …read more

Announcement of the management of Vigg Strubble Music: It’s a pity that Season 4 of the Netflix series Lilyhammer has been cancelled. … …read more

In a brief interview in the online Norwegian magazine Her og Nå Vigg was telling about his preference for Scandinavian TV series and Scandinavian films. … …read more

In the always well informed Canadian music magazine Chart Attack Vigg Strubble looks back on the musical influence of the bass guitarist Jack Bruce. … …read more
Devastating was the news for some of the members of the crew (see Newsflash #13). The tourmanagement of Vigg Strubble was already expecting it. Some of the roadies didn’t. It was not a meeting that will be remembered as a pleasant one. … …read more
The management of Vigg Strubble declares on this official Vigg Strubble website that Vigg has to take a long rest. The years of extreme roadtrips and heavy touring in several countries has taken its toll. … …read more
The word on the street is that the hardcore fans of Vigg Strubble have complained about the following. Vigg used to start his gigs with the stage’s version of Parrot Knocker. Loud and refreshening. … …read more